Conturata AICreate a Stunning Custom Website with ChatGPT in 5 Minutes - Without Writing Any Code!

Build Fast, Modern Websites Using AI - Without Touching a Line of Code

Have you ever wanted to build your own professional website, but felt intimidated by the idea of learning to code? With AI assistants like ChatGPT, you can now create fully custom websites in just minutes - without writing a single line of code yourself.

In this in-depth, step-by-step guide, I'll walk you through exactly how to leverage ChatGPT to develop a beautiful, modern website from scratch in as little as 5 minutes. You provide the design ideas and content, and ChatGPT will handle translating it all into clean, optimized code for you.

Why Learning Basic Coding Concepts is Useful

While you certainly don't need to become an expert coder, grasping some core programming principles will unlock new ways of thinking and problem-solving. Understanding code logic will help you recognize opportunities to automate tasks and solve problems more efficiently in all areas of life and work.

Even just being familiar with basic coding building blocks will allow you to better articulate your website vision to ChatGPT through easy-to-understand instructions. AI assistants are exceptionally good at taking plain English descriptions and translating them into actual code.

Step 1: Install Required Tools on Your Computer

In order to build a website with ChatGPT, you'll first need to install and set up the following essential tools:


Homebrew is a package manager that simplifies installing various apps and programs on Mac. To install, go to installation command provided. Paste this into your terminal and hit enter. Enter your admin password when prompted.


Node.js is a JavaScript runtime environment required for the Next.js framework we'll be using. With Homebrew installed, run this command in your terminal to install Node.js:

Install Node JS with Homebrew

brew install node

Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is a lightweight but powerful source code editor we'll use to write and test code. Go to, download for Mac, and install the app through the installer package.

GitHub Account

Head to and sign up for a free account. This will host your code repository and facilitate deploying your site.

Vercel Account

Vercel is the hosting platform we'll use to deploy your live website. Go to, click Sign Up, and connect your GitHub account.

Signing up and installing all of these tools should take around 10-15 minutes in total.

Step 2: Initialize Your Next.js Project

For fast, modern website builds, we'll be using Next.js, a popular open-source React framework. To set up a Next.js app:

Open the terminal in Visual Studio Code. Run the following command:

Create a Next.js app

npx create-next-app@latest

  • When prompted, name your app/project
  • Select "Yes" to use Tailwind CSS for styling
  • Select "No" for TypeScript
  • Select "No" for ESLint
  • Select a parent directory to house your project folder
  • Select "No" for the experimental app directory structure

Running this command will scaffold out a Next.js project with all the initial code and dependencies configured for you.

Step 3: Design Your Dream Website in Plain English

This is the fun part - you get to describe your ideal website to ChatGPT, entirely in regular English, without needing to know any code.

Be as descriptive as possible when explaining the layout, content, styling, functionality, etc. that you want your site to have.

For example:

Example Website Prompt

Create a one-page landing page for my new AI consulting agency website. 

My company is called AI-gency

The color theme is black, yellow (highlighter yellow) and white.

The website background is white. The default font color is black.

I want the header of the website to have AI-gency on the left and then a little light gray separator and then the menu in the center with options like About Service Advisor Testimonial and Blog. Each of these menu clicks should just scroll tothe section. Then on the right side of the header there should be a black contact button with white text saying CONTACT. Add a little light gray separator.

Underneath the header we'll have a hero section, come up with a good heading tagline for an agency selling AI consulting service to other businesses. Larger black bold letters, serif font and highlight with the marker yellow 2 of theimportant keywords there.

Underneath that let's have a descriptive subheading, one sentence about our values. Make it way smaller and gray.

Then underneath that add a gray rectangle as a filler for a banner image. On the top left of the rectangle add a white box with rounded edges that is kind of like mostly on the gray rectangle but it's like on top of that so it goes over the edge as well. It should cast a light shadow all around. Fill it with some filler text and some yellow symbols or bulletpoints or something. Add another of those on the bottom right just like that, except this one should be black and have white filler text.

Then beneath that add the about section, add 5 client logos, make these just filler rectangles for now, align them to center and with the rectangle above.

Beneath that make two columns, temporary rectangle on the left, and on the right a 8 word headline about the business and a small description.

And then add some filler below for rest of the menu items.

Return the website code in NextJS and Tailwind.

ChatGPT will then generate all the React and Next.js code needed to build exactly the website you outlined!

Step 4: Add ChatGPT's Code to Your Project

Copy the code ChatGPT provides for your site and paste it into the pages/index.js file within your Next.js project folder. This will override the default starter template with your custom site code.

Be sure to delete any existing code in index.js first before pasting in the new code from ChatGPT.

Step 5: Preview Your Site Locally

With your code in place, you can preview your website locally.

In the terminal within Visual Studio Code, run the following command:

Run Next.js Project Locally

npm run dev

This will launch a local development server, allowing you to view your website live. You'll be able to see changes and updates in real-time as you continue developing your site.

When the development server is running, click on the local URL shown in the terminal to open your website in your browser.

Step 6: Deploy Your Site to Vercel

Once you are satisfied with your website and want to publish it for others to see, you'll need to deploy it online.

In GitHub Desktop, commit your changes and push your code to a new GitHub repository (for version control and backup).

Then in vercel, import your Next.js project and deploy it. Follow the prompts to connect your GitHub repository containing your code.

That's it! Your website will now be live at a default address.

Step 7: Set Up a Custom Domain

If you want to use your own custom domain (e.g. for your new website:

  • Purchase a domain from any registrar like Google Domains, GoDaddy, Namecheap etc.
  • In vercel's settings menu, add your purchased domain and follow the steps provided to configure the DNS settings to point your domain to your vercel site.

🎉 And just like that, you've created an entire website with ChatGPT without writing a single line of code yourself! With a bit of practice, you can leverage this AI-assisted approach to build any type of website you dream up. Don't let a lack of coding skills stop you from launching that startup, portfolio, or blog you've always wanted!